Arduino Buttons and LEDs | Push Button Tutorial

Push-button is a key component in most electronics projects. It is a very simple and useful component to add user interaction to your project. I am sure all of you used a push button before in day-to-day life. For example, a tv remote has push buttons to change channels and volume. In this tutorial, I … Read more ➯

MAX7219 LED Matrix Display with Arduino Tutorial

MAX7219 LED Matrix Display with Arduino

In this tutorial, you will learn how to control a dot matrix LED display with MAX7219 using an Arduino board. I will use an 8×8 as well as an 8×32 dot matrix display in this tutorial to display text, characters, and scrolling texts. MAX7219 Dot Matrix LED Module 8×8 dot matrix LED display comes with … Read more ➯

Interfacing 7 Segment Display with Arduino

Arduino 7-Segment Display with Push Button

We use a variety of 7 segment displays in our day-to-day life. Such as a digital clock, stopwatch, micro oven, air conditioner, etc. It is a very simple and cost-effective way to display numbers like date, time, temperature data, etc. So if your Arduino project only needs to display numbers, consider using a 7 segment … Read more ➯

Arduino LCD Complete Tutorial for Beginners

Arduino pro mini with lcd

Using an LCD display can give you an advantage in your Arduino project. This LCD can show some information about your project. For example, you can create a distance measurement system that displays the distance on LCD, or you can create a simple project that only shows some message on LCD. In this tutorial, I … Read more ➯

Arduino Servo Motors – Complete Guide

Arduino Servo Motor Control

Servo motors are a great fit for projects that require precise movement of things. Usually, they have a servo arm that can rotate up to 180 degrees or 360 degrees. These motors require a control signal to determine the position of their arm. Servo motors are often used in robotics to control the direction and … Read more ➯

Arduino PIR Motion Sensor Tutorial

Do you ever think about how automatic taps give water when you put your hand beneath them or the magic of smart bulbs that illuminate a room the moment someone enters? In many of these instances, a PIR sensor is the magic behind the scenes. In this tutorial, you will learn how a PIR motion … Read more ➯

Arduino Relay Tutorial

Arduino is a 5v (some are 3.3v) system, so we can easily control any 5v device using an Arduino output pin. But we cannot control high-voltage appliances directly with an Arduino, we need a relay for this. Relay is very helpful for controlling high voltage (120-240V) appliances like lights, fans, heaters, etc. using Arduino or … Read more ➯

Arduino RGB LED Tutorial

LEDs are cool RGB LEDs are even cooler. RGB LEDs can display a variety of colors without wiring multiple color LEDs at once. RGB LED has three different color LEDs in one package. So you can mix up this base color to create any color you want. In this Arduino tutorial, you will learn what … Read more ➯

Make an Arduino Temperature Sensor using Thermistor

Thermistor Temperature Sensor Arduino Tutorial

The thermistor is basically a thermal resistor. That means its resistance changes according to the change in temperature of the environment. We can use a thermistor to measure the temperature of the environment. If you want simple, inexpensive, and accurate components to get the temperature data for your project thermistor would be a good choice. … Read more ➯

Arduino Light Sensor Using LDR

Light Dependent Resistor or LDR is basically a photoresistor. That means its resistance is dependent on the amount of light it gets. We can use an LDR to detect the light level of the environment. If you want a cheap solution to detect day and night LDR would be a good choice. In this tutorial, … Read more ➯

Arduino millis() and micros()

After a few days of working with Arduino, you will realize that although the delay() function is easy to use it has some drawbacks. If you use delay() in a program it will stop all activity on the Arduino until the delay is finished. You cannot perform any other task at that time period. The … Read more ➯

Arduino Potentiometer Tutorial

Arduino Potentiometer Tutorial

In this tutorial, I will show you how to connect a potentiometer with Arduino. First I will show the potentiometer reading on the Arduino serial monitor. Then I will use that data to control the brightness of an LED. Potentiometer Overview A potentiometer is a three-terminal resistor with a sliding or rotating contact that forms … Read more ➯

Arduino I2C LCD Tutorial

I2C LCD with Arduino

In the previous Arduino LCD tutorial, you have noticed that the classic parallel LCD consumes a lot of pins on the Arduino. Even in the 4-bit mode, it requires at least 6 digital I/O pins on the Arduino. So in many projects where you use the classic parallel LCD, you will run out of pins … Read more ➯